The most famous being

Madhya 8.246

kīrti-gaṇa-madhye jīvera kon baḍa kīrti
kṛṣṇa-bhakta baliyā yāńhāra haya khyāti

Of the innumerable famous beings who has is the foremost? - madhye gaṇa jīvera kīrti kon baḍa kīrti
It is said that of these his devotee Krișna is the most famous. - baliyā yāńhāra bhakta kṛṣṇa haya khyāti

Tīkā: In the Itihāsa-samuccaya, Nārada says to Puṇḍarīk:

janmāntara-sahasreṣu yasya syād buddhir īd𞗫śī
dāso 'haḿ vāsudevasya sarvāl lokān samuddharet

At the end of a thousand lifetimes one whose intelligence is like this: - antara sahasreṣu janma yasya buddhir syād īdṛśī
I am a servant of Vasudev, save (liberate) all the worlds. - ahaḿ dāso vāsudevasya samuddharet sarvāl lokān