Rūpa Goswāmī and the branch spring
There is a story about Rūpa Goswāmī that relates to this Līlā and carries an instructive moral. Thus, we shall briefly interrupt Kṛṣṇanika-kaumudi narration to insert it: Once, at midday, Rūpa was absorbed in Bhajan at his favorite spot in Vrāja, Kadamba-khaṇḍī. As his attention focused on Rādhā Kṛṣṇa's pastimes, he entered his meditation to serve as Śrī Rūpa Mañjarī. Rūpa's Sphūrti was similar to the precious Kṛṣṇanika-kaumudi narration:
Rādhā was eager to pick flowers from a branch just a little too far out of reach. Kṛṣṇa came and raised Śrīmatī, but she rebuked him! Then Kṛṣṇa released her, and Śrīmatī went sailing upwards with the branches! As Rūpa Mañjarī watched Rādhārāṇī dangling in mid-air with a surprised look on her face, she couldn't help but laugh!
Meanwhile, as Rūpa sat in Samādhi, a neighboring Vaiṣṇava came to offer his Daṇḍavats. The Vaiṣṇava had a bodily defect, however: He limped in funny way because one of his legs was deformed. So as Rūpa's attention was fixed on Śrīmatī's plight, he continued laughing and missed seeing the prostrated Vaiṣṇava. Thus, the lame Sādhu felt sad. "Why is Rūpa Goswāmī laughing at me?", he thought. "Does he consider my limping to be funny?"
Rūpa deep meditation did not break, however; so, as Lalitā and the other Sakhīs laugh, Rūpa Mañjarī claps along with their amusement! Yet the Sādhu cannot understand what is happening and considers: 'First Rūpa Goswāmī laughed at me, but now he's even clapping to tease me! I can't tolerate such behavior!" Thus, the lame Vaiṣṇava returned to his Kuṭīra, feeling very depressed.
A short while later, however, Rūpa's meditation collapsed. Yet after repeatedly trying to fix his mind again on Rādhārānī's lotus feet, he couldn't. What's gone wrong today?" thought Rūpa. "Why am I unable to enter the Līlā as usual? Thus, he consulted Sanātana Goswāmī. After thinking the matter over for a moment, Sanātana answered: "Rūpa, perhaps you have offended someone; otherwise, why wouldn't your bhajan go smoothly?"
Rūpa replied: "I can't remember disappointing anyone. As you've instructed, I
try to respect everyone."
Sanātana answered: "Why don't you do one thing? Prepare a feast and invite all
the Vaiṣṇavas in the surrounding area. Let's see if anyone declines your
Following Sanātana's advice, Rūpa arranged for Vaiṣṇava-Sevā. And as the invitations
went out, everyone came-except the lame Sādhu. After the Vaiṣṇavas were sumptuously
fed, everyone returned, feeling content. Then Rūpa inquired from the Sādhu who
invited the Vaiṣṇavas, "Did everyone come?"
"No," replied the Bābā, "one Vaiṣṇava remains, that lame fellow." Thus, Rūpa
immediately went to visit the lame Sādhu.... and arriving in front of his Kuṭīra,
Rūpa carefully offered prostrated Daṇḍavats. Then he exclaimed: "Bābā!
Have I offended you in any way?"
Overwhelmed by seeing Rūpa's humility, the lame Sādhu replied: "You are the
Mukuta-maṇi (crown-jewel) of Caurāśi Krośa (84 sq. miles) Vrāja Maṇḍala! How
could you upset me? But something does appear strange, I can't understand.
Yesterday at noon when I offered my Daṇḍavats, you laughed at me. This hurt my
Rūpa paused to reflect. "Oho! I remember," he said, "I was meditating then. I
must have missed seeing you."
Rūpa went on to tell the Sādhu about what happened during his Līlā Smaraṇa, and
why he laughed and clapped his hands. Thus astonished, the Sādhu repented:
"Aha! I thought that you were at fault, but now I understand the actual situation
-it is I who am the Aparādhī!" Thus, the Sādhu fell at Rūpa's feet and begged
forgiveness. The moral of the story is:
vaiṣṇavera kriyā mudrā vijñe nā bujhaya
Even learned person can misunderstand a Vaiṣṇava's activities and behavior.