Madhu-pāna Līlā in Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanamṛta
Kṛṣṇa tells Rādhikā: "Hey Priye! Madana is the King of this land, his chief minister is the intoxicating Madhu, the cool mālāyan breezes is his military commander, the bees are his spies, the Kokilas are his jury, the resisting Vrāja Kiśorīs are his guilty criminals and the Govardhan caves are his jails."Thus, arriving at the tirtha named 'Rasauli' with the Gopīs, Kṛṣṇa continues: "Hey Rādhe! This is the place where we perform Vasantī-Rāsa. Let's rest here for a while."
So, everyone sits down to relax. Then Vṛnda arrives, bringing honey. But when Rādhā's eyes glance over the golden pot, she discovers Kṛṣṇa's face reflected in the honey, and thinks,
"Aha! How sundar! My Priyatama's face is much sweeter than Madhu!" So, with full concentration Rādhikā's eyes are being drinking the honey.Then she further contemplates: "Hey Providence! The Vrāja Gopīs minds always burn in a fire of anxiety for Kṛṣṇa's Darśana! Yet you've created shyness which makes us curse you! For it is shyness that keeps us from looking at Kṛṣṇa to our heart's content. But after creating Madhu, you've given us an undisturbed Darśana of Kṛṣṇa's Mukhāravinda!
Thus, we forgive your aparādha...and offer hundreds of praises."When Kṛṣṇa notices his reflection appearing on Rādhā's face, he says, "Oh Prāṇa-priye!
You're drinking my vadana kamālā by force- so I can't imagine what will happen when
you drink the madhu!"
But suddenly Rādhikā becomes disenchanted, and the Sakhīs lament, "Oh no! Rādhā's
Darśana mādhurī within the honey jar has been ruined by Kṛṣṇa's tactlessness!"Then Kṛṣṇa holds the madhu jar, places it under Rādhā's lips, and repeatedly
exclaims, "Oh Priye! pāna koro, pāna koro!" (Drink, drink!)
But Rādhikā smiles and raises her eyebrows, saying, "Na, na, na!" and turning
her face.Then restless-eyed Rasa-raṅgī Kṛṣṇa gazes upon Rādhikā and forcefully makes her
drink the honey! He also induces Lalitā and the other Sakhīs to drink! And very
soon the Gopīs' eyes turn red, their clothes loosen, and they become drunk as
their shyness vanishes. Hence, they themselves induce each other to drink more.
Rādhikā becomes dizzy and loses her discrimination.The drunken Vrāja sundarīs exclaim: "Wh-wh-why is the su-su-sun fa-al-al-ing? Wh-wh-why is the ea-r-r-th tu-r-r-rning? Kri-Kri-Kri-shss-na, sa-s-ave us!"One Gopī embraces Kṛṣṇa around the waist, another embraces his arms, another takes hold his chest, while the other Gopīs clasp onto his back! By these endeavors the Sakhīs' oranas slip away, their braided hair comes undone, and their heavy breasts smite Kṛṣṇa's lips!
Thus, he firmly embraces each Gopī to reciprocate.
But the drunken Vrāja Ramaṇīs forcefully kiss Kṛṣṇa! And seeing this unsual
behavior, the Mañjarīs try to cover their smiles; but how long is that possible?As Kṛṣṇa sees the Mañjarīs faces lighting up with laughter, he addresses them:
"Oh restless-eyed kinkarīs! What have your mistresses done? Look, they're
ganging up to defeat me! Oh! I'm surely lucky that you haven't joined them!"Meanwhile, Śrī Madhumati Sakhī offers Kṛṣṇa the madhu jar to intoxicate him.
But he only places it to his lips and instructs the Vrāja Yuvatīs, "pāna koro, pāna
koro! Drink, drink!"
The Vrāja taruṇīs soon lose all composure and fail to discern: "Are we male or
female"? "Is it night or day?" and "What are we doing?"But as they talk like mad-women, Kṛṣṇa points to show the Mañjarīs. Hence Tulasī
asks, "Oh Prabhu! Why didn't you drink the madhu?"
Kṛṣṇa replies, "Hey Tulasī! I'm constantly drinking the madhu of their faces; can't
you see what's going on? But look, now we're perspiring. So why don't you come
closer and fan us with a Cāmara?"Fearing the Nāgarendra will grab them, Tulasī and the other Mañjarīs neglect
the command. But vidagdha Mādhava understands their hesitation, so he places
the jug up to his lips and pretends to drink- he even pretends to be drunk. Thus,
the Mañjarīs smile and approach him.
But then Kuṇḍalatā comes from behind to bolt the door!
Aho! Restless Nāgara Rāja grabs the Mañjarīs and forcefully kisses their sweet lips. They retort, "Na, na, na!" and try to stop him, but Anaṅga Deva personally comes to release his arrows and Kṛṣṇa's rahasya Līlā begins! Then Kṛṣṇa drinks the madhu and becomes intoxicated, so the Mañjarīs are saved from drinking more.
Thus, after rati keli, they take up Cāmaras to remove Kṛṣṇa's pearl necklace of perspiration.The Sakhīs were covered by the Rāhu of over-intoxication; but as the madhu's effect slowly wears off, the moon of their consciousness returns. Then their surata sukha (love making pleasure) with Kṛṣṇa becomes incomparable! And seeing their ecstasy, even those who hadn't been drinking are wonderstruck!