Baṭu’s Joking and Kṛṣṇa’s bhukta-śeṣa
Baṭu's Joking
Śrī Govinda-līlāmrita commentator, Śrī Kṛṣṇa
Pada Dāsa Baba, elucidates on Baṭu's meal-time humor with the following anubhāva.
Baṭu says, "Hey Janani (mother)! For those who smell the aroma of these splendid tarts, promotion to
heaven, or the attainment of mukti becomes meaningless! And mother, damn the creator, for he failed to make my stomach limitless; and those who say 'dio na' (don't give more)! At meal time, I consider great
Then Baṭu chides: "Oho, Kṛṣṇa! Your bad habit of stealing and eating outside cooking hasn't ended! Don't you like the dishes provided in your
home? Why are you neglecting your mother's puṣpānna? Your appetite simply goes to the amṛta keli, karpūra keli and laḍḍus that come from others' homes! And I've even caught
you stealing from my plate! All right; if you want to stuff yourself like this —I'll just have to eat your share of rasālā, sweet rice and mangoes!"
Next Baṭu tells Balarām:
"Oh Dādā (elder brother)! Why are you eating so fast? You should slowly chew your food. Don't you know? Those who only gulp never have children — they lay eggs!"
Thus Madhu's nigūḍha
parihāsa (intimate jokes) with Kane and keli parihāsa (funny joking) with the sakhas enlivens the meal-time atmosphere.
Rādhikā enjoys Kṛṣṇa's bhukta-śeṣa with the sakhīs
16-17 While Kanu rests, the servants massage him and fan him with cāmaras. Then Kṛṣṇa and his friends leave for the gośālā to milk the cows. Kṛṣṇa's
bhukta śeṣa (prasād remnants) are gathered by Dhaniṣṭhā. She privately sends them to Rādhikā through her assistant, Gunamālā.
Ṭīkā: Tulasī
and Kasturī remain at Nandaa bhavan. After Kṛṣṇa's second bhojana with his family, they will return to Rādhārani with more news, plus more prasāda. In Saṅkalpa kalpadruma,
Śrī Viśvanatha Cakravartīpāda prays for a chance to serve like Gunamālā:
"Hey Rādhikā Devī! I'll bring the medicine to cure your evening fever — Kṛṣṇa's
prasāda, plus his evening snāna and bhojan kathā! This will cool your eyes, tongue and heart!"
18 Rādhikā enjoys Kṛṣṇa's bhukta-śeṣa with the sakhīs.
Then she goes up to the Candra-śālā to view Kṛṣṇa's go-dohana līlā in paramānanda!
Rādhā doesn't eat anything except Kṛṣṇa's
bhukta-śeṣa. Thus she is called kṛṣṇa-avaśeṣāśana in Śrī Rūpa's mūla sūtra. Yet Rādhā equally enjoys feeding her sakhīs Kṛṣṇa's
prasāda with her own hand.
It is now dark outside, and Javaṭa is a long way from Nandagrāma. But still Rādhā can clearly see Kṛṣṇa at the gośālā. Such miracles
are possible by Yogamāyā's special potency.
Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanāmṛta describes how Rādhā comes to Pāvana sarovar at this time (under the pretext of taking a bath).
Then entering a nearby flower garden, she ascends to the top of a high turret above a jeweled palace. From here Rādhā and sakhīs enjoy the darśana of Kṛṣṇa's cow-milking activities.
And as Rādhā's Cakorī-eyes drink the moonbeams of Kṛṣṇa's candra vadana (moon face) she begins describing his stunning mādhurya:
"Hey sakhī! Look, this
nava nāgara's alakāvali (fine hairs curling over his forehead) are covered by a turban with gold tassles and pearls hanging from it. So it appears that as a dark cloud tries to cover the moon — a lightning-strung
star-cluster devours the cloud!"
Rādhikā goes on: "Hey sakhī! Those shiny Makara-kuṇḍalas (dolphin like earrings) destroy the gopīs' pride of their chastity! But
are they really earrings? I can't tell. Na, na! Since they're unable to appear before Kṛṣṇa's moon-face, they must be two taruṇī ramaṇīs who constantly dance in hopes
of alluring his prīti. Hey prāṇa sakhī! This Nāgara's shifty glances rest above those makara-yugala, and they're like sharp arrows that pierce our hearts! But while they do so —
the mad, drunken bees swarming to his flower-crown are flicked aside! Hence Kandarpa quickly surmises: "Uh-oh, won't the bees' steady drone chase away my makara-āsana (dolphin sitting place)? I'd
better securely fasten them to Kṛṣṇa's ears!"
"Oh sakhī, ," Rādhikā says, "Just observe another wonder! Although Kṛṣṇa's eyes
are pure and cooling, they have two sundari ramaṇī pupils named Tārā (pupil of the eye) who are drunken and restless.
Tārā gives birth to the sons of Kṛṣṇa's lurking glances named Kaṭākṣa.
Unfortunately, since Tārā is corrupt — so are her sons! Hence they've taken to stealing all of the Vrāja sundari's patience! O sakhī, just look more carefully! This Nāgara's glances are like Kandarpa's river which has tributaries streaming in every direction.
But Tārā's blue sapphire boat sails over them, carrying the pirates of eagerness, bliss, attachment and intoxication. Aho! She loots the entire cargo from the rich-merchant-vessel-eyes
of the Vrāja tarunis!"
"Hey prāṇa-priya sakhī! Aha! That's not a soft smile fixed to my Mohana Nāgara's lips, nor does sweet pollen ooze from those Bandhūka
flower lips which entrap all of the world's ālīs (bees, or attractive women). But hay! Those newly blossomed leaf-leaps are Kandarpa's warheads which spray camphor over my eyes!"
As Vṛṣabhānu-nandini thus describes Kṛṣṇa's moon-face, she faints within a milk-ocean of bliss, so Viśākhā tries to revive her:
"Hey Priya sakhī! Now is not the time to lose yourself within a sukha sāgara! Just watch Kṛṣṇa's go-dohana līlā — this will make your śaśurī's
harsh curses seem like amṛta!"