52-58 Rādhikā’s cooking for the evening meal
52-53 Using the same ingredients, Rādhikā makes pīyūṣa-granthi pālikā. But this time they are made in the shape of a jalepī, friend in ghī and dumped in paṇcāmṛta. Rādhikā makes anaṅga Gutṭkā by mixing sugar with cream, adding rice, coconut, nutmeg, cloves pepper and a pinch of camphor. Then the ingredients are ground together with bananas and cardamom and deep-fried in ghee.
Ṭīkā: After blending the ingredients into a paste, they are molded into small, bite-sized balls and fried. These are very dear to Kṛṣṇa.
54 Rādhikā prepares tarts called sīdhu vilāsa. They are made with bananas, black pepper, milk, sugar, white flour, lots of nutmeg and a pinch of camphor.
Ṭīkā: The while flour is first stirred and mixed evenly with the milk. Then spuashed ripe bananas are added with black pepper and nutmeg and then fried in thick sugar-water. Afterwards fresh honey and camphor are poured over them.
55 Rasvati Rai (Rādhā the talented taster of cook) prepares these five types of sweets which defy the taste of nectar.Hence Kṛṣṇa eagerly enjoys them with loving affection.
Ṭīkā: We may remember that Durvāsa Muni gave a benediction to Rādhā. However, this is meant to sway the minds of those uninformed about Rādhā's aiśvarya, namely Mother Yaśodā, Nanda Mahārāj, Jaṭilā and all of the Vrajavāsīs in general. Owing to Yogamāyā's presence they are unable to perceive that Rādhā is sarva Lakṣmīmayi (the source of all Lakṣmīs).
Thus, Rādhā's cooking naturally defeats nectar's taste every time— without depending upon any so-called benedictions from munis or Ṛṣhis. It's sweet to know, however, that Jaṭilā considers: "Oh, my baumā (daughter in law) is blessed by the great muni, Durvāsa. Thus, she brings such fame into our husehold."
56 Amongst the five, amṛta keli, karpūra keli and pīyūṣa pālikā are well known in Vraja Mandal. But Rādhikā saves the last two preparation, namely anaṅga Gutṭkā and sīdhu vilāsa for Kṛṣṇa's night time bhojan. They will be relished as the appetisers during madhu-pāna.
Ṭīkā: The first three items, being everyone's favorites, can be enjoyed with any meal— thus Rādhikā sends to Mother Yaśodā for Kṛṣṇa's evening bhojan. Because anaṅga Gutṭkā and sidhu vilāsa stimulate intoxication and kama, Rādhikā saves them for the nisha madhu-pana līlā.
57 Rādhikā also makes Gaṅgā-jala laḍḍus (and other assorted laḍḍus) with cloves, cardamom, camphor, black pepper and sugar.Ṭīkā: These are fried in ghee and thick sugar water.
58 Other types of laḍḍus (naru) are also prepared. They are made with cloves, cardamom, camphor, condensed cream, ground coconut and sugar. Then they are fired in ghee, cloves are added, and they are dumped in sugar-water. With the use of cream, a type of pancake called sara pūpikā (sāra pūrī) is made.