Rāhu’s Amusing Pastime 1
Embracing Indulekhā, Lalitā, Viśākhā, Dhaniṣṭhā, Citrā, Tuṅgavidyā and Raṅgadevī
31-32 As Rādhā slips out of Kṛṣṇa's grasp, she carefully hides the flute under her garment. Then Viśākhā comes to divert Kṛṣṇa's attention by saying: "Hey Shyama! Your hands are like Rāhu! But you're mistaken, this isn't the moon (Candrāvalī)-it's the Rādhā star! So, you may only look without touching! But Rādhā's Sakhīs are like stars too-so don't touch them either!"
33-34 Viśākhā goes on: "Now I'll mention some of the other stars: my name is Viśākhā, and being Rādhā's match, I'm also called Tārā. Here is Lalitā, known as Anurādhā. Dhaniṣṭhā is called Jyeṣṭhā, and Citrā Bharaṇī. Oh, and there is Indulekhā, yet she is unfit for touching too. So as Rāhu only covers the moon, I suggest that you approach Candrāvalī!"
Ṭīkā: According to Jyotiṣā-śāstra (astrology) there are 27 prominent stars. Amongst them, Citrā is the fourteenth and Viśākhā the sixteenth. The Viśākhā star is also called Rādhā. Next is Anurādhā. Anu means behind; because Lalitā always stands behind Rādhā she is called Anurādhā. The next star is Jyeṣṭhā. Jyeṣṭhā means 'older'; Dhaniṣṭhā is likened with the Jyeṣṭhā -star because she is older than the other Sakhīs. Although Raṅgadevī, Sudevī, Tuṅgavidyā and Campakalatā are watching, Viśākhā doesn't mention them yet.
35-36 Kṛṣṇa answers, "Hey Viśākhe! Because you always give me pleasure, you're Śaṅkarī, Śiva's auspicious better half. But Lalitā is the real Indra because her words terrify me like a thunderbolt! "Oh well, Viśākhe, listen! Because Rāhu can easily attain the moon (Candrāvalī), and because Rāhu has enjoyed her many times-now this rasa-thirsty Rāhu is mad after the precious Bhānu Śrī (the beautiful sun called Vṛṣabhānu-nandini)!"
37 "Moreover, Oh Viśākhe! Although every star's brightness increases by Rāhu's contact, Rāhu wants to sample the unrivalled charm of the moonbeams (Indulekhā), too!"
38-39 Thus speaking, Kṛṣṇa tries to embrace Indulekhā! But seeing him coming, Indulekhā becomes frightened and flees to safety! Then while smiling and raising her eyebrows, she chastises Kṛṣṇa: "Oh hey you, disgusting Rāhu! Indulekhā is unfit for you! Go and enjoy Candrāvalī, or some other star!"
40 Taking Indulekhā's advice, Kṛṣṇa slips behind Lalitā to grab her! But Lalitā exclaims "Without enjoying Viśākhā first, Anurādhā is never attainable!"
Ṭīkā: Kṛṣṇa is always eager to embrace Lalitā. But he must first gather the courage and wait for the opportune moment to succeed. Therefore, upon receiving Indulekhā's incentive, and seeing Lalitā standing off-guard, Kṛṣṇa springs to tightly embrace her! Although Lalitā enjoys Kṛṣṇa's touch, she hints to give Viśākhā the same pleasure, saying: "What a crime! You've broken the rules! Don't you know that Viśākhā comes first, then Anurādhā-for this is the Jyotiṣā-śāstra vidhi."
41 Following Lalitā's advice, Kṛṣṇa grabs Viśākhā, who retorts: "Hay! Viśākhā was enjoyed along with Rādhā because we're non-different! Oh well, hey Dhṛṣṭa-rāja! You're trying to enjoy in the improper sequence again! So before satisfying the senior star Jyeṣṭhā (Dhaniṣṭhā) why have you approached me for the second time?"Ṭīkā: Rādhā star is also called Viśākhā, hence they are the same. And amongst Rādhā's Sakhīs, Viśākhā is nearly her second replica-for Rādhā and Viśākhā were born on the same day, they are the same height, and they have the same complexion and vāma-madhya natures.
Viśākhā says, "Hey Kṛṣṇa! You're behaving just like a wanton play-stag
in the hands of the taruṇī ramaṇīs! Aren't you ashamed? Chi, chi! Your
intelligence has been stolen by Lalitā's dancing eye-gestures! Aha! And now
you're even making a pass at me! This proves that you're off-course again!
Don't you know that Jyeṣṭhā follows Anurādhā? So, you'd better try to make Dhaniṣṭhā
42 Thus Kṛṣṇa secretly slips behind Dhaniṣṭhā to embrace her! Although elated, Dhaniṣṭhā rebukes: "Hey Dhṛṣṭa! Without enjoying Citrā first, your attempts with the others will only fail!"
Ṭīkā: Pleasure, pride and loving anger mix within Dhaniṣṭhā's words: "Look, Kṛṣṇa! By breaking the injunctions you'll never attain desired goal. Without first approaching the fourteenth star (Citrā), who is standing before us, your desire for 'Sarva Bhoga' (complete enjoyment) will never fructify."
43 When Kṛṣṇa suddenly grabs Citrā, she retorts: "Hey Lampat! Get lost! The stars cannot be enjoyed in whatever way you like; there is a process to be followed!"
44 Tuṅgavidyā jests: "Oh Citre! We can't say that Rāhu has broken the vidhi. After all, owing to his drunken, curving course sometimes he attacks planets by surprise!"
Ṭīkā: Tuṅgavidyā is a dakṣiṇa-prakharā nāyikā
(agreable, outspoken heroin); thus, she sides with Kṛṣṇa to add spicing to the
rasa. If everyone simply opposed Kṛṣṇa, it would be a one-sided contest. The
following example from Ujjvala-Nīlamaṇi illustrates how she serves Rādhā when
she is Kalahāntaritā (remorsing after neglecting Kṛṣṇa):
"Hey thin-wasted Rādhe! There is a rumor spreading in the Sakhī-samaja (community)
that you never neglect Tuṅgavidyā's advice. So, after hearing about this, Kṛṣṇa
desired to test my reputation and firmly took my shelter. Oh love-lorn Rādhe!
Please listen, or else I'll lose my reputation. Just consider: your beloved has
fallen at your feet to repent! So, please direct your auspicious eyes toward Kṛṣṇa
and forgive him!"
45 But Citrā argues: "Hey Tuṅgavidye! You're a Libra, so if Rāhu attacks me, you'll be next!"Ṭīkā: Libra is the seventh house of the zodiac next to Virgo (the sixth), So Citrā's logic is: "Since I'm a Virgo (virgin maid), Kṛṣṇa will attack you next. So, you'd better be careful of what you say!"
46 But when Kṛṣṇa touches Tuṅgavidyā, she declares: "Hey Rāhu! Raṅgadevī is the actual Libra. So why have you neglected her?"Here Tuṅgavidyā cleverly directs Kṛṣṇa's attention to Raṅgadevī, emphasizing the double meaning of the word tulya: "Hey Dhṛṣṭa Nagara! Raṅgadevī is your tulya (equal match) in Kandarpa Keli-therefore she's the actual Tulya (Libra)!"