Kundalatā and Lalitā argue about Rādhā’s marks

14-17 Kundalatā answers, "Rādhe! You're certainly telling the truth because Kṛṣṇa's scratches reveal that you successfully kept him away! Oh, Sakhī Rāi! It's befitting that your 'thorn-Sakhīs' mar Kṛṣṇa with nail-marks and bruises. But we're surprised that they would mar you even more! Because Kṛṣṇa is the Rati-pati of the gopa sundarīs it isn't surprising that 'Candrāvalī (your moon-like nail-marks) appear on his chest! 

But we know that you envy Candrāvalī, so why are these same marks decorating your chest too? This is amazing!"Lalitā defends Rādhā by saying: "Oh chaste Kundalate! Why would the thorny twigs and branches fail to mar a chaste woman running in feat of that whimsical debauch?"

Ṭīkā: Lalitā doubts Rādhā's version, yet if she does not offer support to Priyā-jī, she will be humiliated. Hence Lalitā counter-acts the arrows of Kundalatā's joking.

18-20 Kṛṣṇa is eager to witness Rādhā's exotic beauty that arises with her conflicting emotions. He also hankers to hear about each of Rādhā's bodily limbs. Thus, the Sakhīs begin their descriptions.The Sakhīs blend the śikharinī of their poetry with the camphor of Rādhā's mādhurya to please Kṛṣṇa. Although Rādhā's sharp glance forbids it, Śrī Govinda's mādhura smile and blooming mukhāravinda sprinkles the Sakhīs with nectar! Hence, they smile too as they begin describing cañcala locanā (restless eyes) Rāi's beauty.

Ṭīkā: Śikharinī (rasālā) is a delicious beverage made from milk, yogurt, ghee, honey, black pepper, sugar and cardamom. The Sakhīs' poetry is similarly refreshing, but when it mixes with the camphor of Rādhā's aṅga mādhuri- Kṛṣṇa relishes paramānanda! Although Rādhā's eyes repeatedly forbid the Sakhīs, they don't stop. And why should they? They know that Rādhā's happiness is found in Kṛṣṇa's pleasure.

Lalitā, Viśākhā, Campakalatā and Citrā about Rādhā's breasts

21-25 The Sakhīs begin by describing a kunda-latā (a kunda flower vine), although Rādhā is the object of praise. Lalitā says, "Hey Sakhīs! Just see! This Kundalatā shows all the signs of having been enjoyed by a bee (Śrī Madhusudan)! Oh Sakhīs! In our world there is only one moon to illumine all of the Śiva-lingas. But Rādhā's Śiva-linga-yugala (breasts) reflect many moons (nail marks). So could they be wishing to defeat the splendor of all the other lingas?"Showing her smiling teeth, Viśākhā answers with elation: "Rādhā's two Śiva-lingas discard the sky's defective, limited, waning moon to decorate themselves with the full moons of Kṛṣṇa's nail marks.

Ṭīkā: The sky's moon is unable to extinguish a fire with its cooling effect, yet Kṛṣṇa's candra kalā nakhasa (moon nail marks) destroy both the fire of separation and kāma.

26-27 Viśākhā's words delight thin-waisted Campakalatā, thus she speaks to please Kṛṣṇa: "When Govinda's lotus feet danced upon the Kāliya Nāga- did his lotus-hands wish to compete by dancing upon Rādhā's Nāga-raṅga (orange) breasts?"

Ṭīkā: Seeing Kṛṣṇa's footprints upon Kāliya's hoods, Kṛṣṇa's lotus-hands became jealous and thought: "We'll leave our marks on a better stage!" Thus, they begin dancing upon Śrī Rādhikā's two Nāga-raṅgas!

28-29 The best Ramaṇī, Citrā Devī, says, "This enchanting golden latā wrapped itself around a black tamal. Thus, the tamal's branches (Kṛṣṇa's hands) marred these two ripe bael fruits!"

Ṭīkā: Citrā contemplates: "These indescribable objects have no comparison, so Campakalatā's version has failed-Nāga-raṅga fruits aren't so large, nor are they so pointed." Thus, she compares Rādhā's breasts with bael fruits. So the amorous moods of Kandarpa act like strong winds which blow the tamal's branches and twigs to scratch the ripened bael. 

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