Rādhe-Śyāma, Yugala nāma
Prema - spiritual love
Stages leading to spiritual love
Bhakti Stages - Definition
Transcendental Faith
Destiny and transcedental faith
Śraddha and adhikara
The cause of transcendental faith
Faith according Sri Caitanya
Types of spiritual faith
Raganuga Bhakti
Two types of Sadhana Bhakti
Siddha-pranali is given in Ragānuga Bhakti
Rāgānungā Bhakti a meditation practice
Vaidhi Bhakti is External Ragānuga is Meditative
The reason of coming of Sri Caitanya
Siddha-pranali and meditation about one’s perfect body
Vaidhi Bhakti - four kind of liberation
The invention of Bhagavat-parampara
Siddha-praṇālī and ŚB 3.9.11
Stages of ragānuga sādhana bhakti practice
Qualification for Siddha Praṇālī
Manjari Svarupa Nirupana
Translator’s Preface 1
Translator`s preface 2
1. Introduction
Aṣṭādaśa-cchanda, Vastra-haraṇa, 2
Magnitudes of Prema
Types of Rati and Bhaktas
Kṛṣna and Rādhā as servants
Two types of kama-rupa devotion
Rūpa Bābāji the revealer of maṇjari bhava
The servitude to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī
Qualification to hear about mādhura rati
Jāhnavā Ṭhākurāṇī - Śrī Anāṅga Mañjarī about bhāvollāsa
Three ingredients for attaining bhāvollāsa
The cause of greed for Kṛṣṇa rasa
Further Qualification for kāmānugā bhakti
2. An overview of the concepts of sacred rapture
Rati-spiritual love-conditions
sthāyi-bhāva vibhāva anubhāva sāttvika sañcāri
Sthāyi-bhāva BRS
Sāmānya, svaccha śānta
Prīti sakhya vatsalya
Viṣaya-ālambana Qualities of Kṛṣṇa
Kṛṣṇas saundarya
Krishnas age, words, being Cupid
Krishnas creativity, aesthetics, cleverness
Krishna – expert, knower, inscrutable, compliant
Krishna rasik: bashful and happy
Krishna rasik: fame, attractiveness, prosperity
Krishna rasik: ever-fresh, the sweetness of his pastimes
Krishna rasik: the sweetness of His flute and form
Krishna rasik: most perfect, dhīra-lalitaḥ
Krishna rasik: perfect, dhīrodāttaḥ, dhīra-śāntaḥ, dhīroddhataḥ
Krishna rasik: mādhurya śobhā vilāsaḥ
Krishna rasik: māṅgalyam, sthairyam, tejaḥ
Krishna rasik: lalitam audāryam
Āśraya ālambana - kṛṣṇa-bhaktāḥ
Bhakta - Definition
Perfected devotee - Siddha Bhakta – सिद्ध भक्त
Bhakta adhikāra to attain perfection
Original eternally perfect devotees
Love Stimuli and Support
Ages of Kṛṣṇa in Bauma-līlā
Youth (kiśora – age 11-16 ) of Krishna
The last period of youth
Beauty, form, tenderness
3.1 The Spirit of Radharani’s girlfriends
3.2 The five divisions of sakhi-bhava
3.2.1 Krishna-snehadhika
3.2.2 Sama-sneha
3.2.3 Radha-snehadhika
3.3 The superiority of the Radha-snehadhika sakhis
3.4 The dominant mood of the manjaris
3.5 The reason why bhavollasa-rati
3.6 The competence of manjari-bhava
3.7 The manjaris' way of devotion
3.8 Bhavollasa rati - the gift
Yamuna Puline
Saints of the last 2 centuries
Sacidulal Babagi
Haridas Das Babaji of Nabadwip
Transcendental knowledge
Sun & moon in the spiritual world
The soul
The living being
Soul and False Ego
The soul is eternal
The soul - spiritual particle
आत्मा - आध्यात्मिक कण
The Soul and the False Ego
The creation of the mind
The soul is blinded - the soul's identifying with the mind
Mind - subtle material field
Functions of the Soul delegated to the Mind
The universal cycles
Mahabharata - Book 3 Chapter 149
The measurement of time
Paradise worlds
Transcendence and creation
The Supersoul in Bhagavad-gita
The Supersoul in Bhagavad-Puran
The Supersoul in the Upanishads
Ban of reincarnation in christianity
Reincarnation of Elijah
Reincarnation of the blind born
Eclesiasts 9:10 vs Samuel 2:6
Eternal Damnation
The sense of Jesus family tree
Jesus lived to old age
Babylonian Talmud - Jesus was hanged
Sanskrit Language
Lesson 1 - ā, ma
Writing program for IAST
Lesson 2 ् उ u, ऊ ū, अ a, ओ (o) ल l न n
Lesson 3 भ bha, ग ga, त ta, व va, ब ba, क ka
Lesson 4-sanskrit
Lesson 5-sanskrit
Lesson 6 ra kha e ai i
Lesson 7-sanskrit
Lesson 8-sanskrit
Lesson 9-sanskrit
Lesson 10 sanskrit
Lesson 11 sanskrit
Lesson 12 ृ - ṛ ri, हृ hṛ
Lesson 13 े - e, ै - ai
Lesson 14 ो - o, ौ - au
Lesson 15 ड ḍa, Ligatures
Lesson 16 ṅa (ङ - ं), न्न -nn Ligatures
Sanskrit and Bengali
1.I and you
Govinda lilamrita
Introduction 1
Introduction 2
Introduction 3
Nishanta lila
Verse 1 na
Verse 2-3 na
Verse 4 na
Verse 5-9 na
Verse 10 na
Verse 10 Seva
Verses 11-18
Verses 19-26
Verses 27-32
Verses 33-50
Verse 51
Lalita and Vishakha’s Debate
Verses 52-59
Verse 60
Radha Krishna’s intimate pastimes
Verse 61-70
Verse 71
Verses 72-78
Verses 79-81
Verses 82-91
Verses 92-97
Verses 98-105
Verses 106-110
Verses 111-117
Padavali Kirtan
Pratah Lila
1-3 Radha Krishna’s Pratha Lila Sutra
4-8 Paurnamasi Yashoda Sakhas
9-20 Madhumangal; Yashoda’s Affection
21-28 Krishna get out of the bed
Madhurikas account in Javat
29-36 Riddles of Madhumangal
37-41 At the Goshala
42-52 Mukhara in Javat
53-56Mukhara reprehending Radha
57 Rasodgara lila
Verse 58
59-70 Rādha's Nitya-kritya & bath
71-76 Rādha’s śriṅgara
77-80 Decorating Radha I
81-85 Decorating Radha II
86-99 Necklaces that decorate Radha; Decorating Radha's hands
100-102 Decorating Radha's feet
103-105 Radhas beauty
1-14 Preparations to cook for Krishna
15-17 Kundalata`s talk with Radha
18-26 Kundalata`s talk with Jatila and Radha
27-36 Radha moving towards Nandagram
37-47 Cooking for Krishna I
48-59 Cooking for Krishna II
60-63Radha comes to the window
64-80 Preparations for Krishna’s Morning Bath and Tambula-seva
81-113 Today’s Cooking
114 Krishna meets Madhumangal
Seva paripati
1-7Sri Nandishvara-candrika
8-20 Kriṣṇa’s Bath and veśa-karana
21-65Krishna's morning bhojan
66-69 Rādhika’s Bhojan Vilāsa
70-72 After bhojan
A Secret Meeting
73-78 The Sakhas’ Activities
Vrindavan’s Yogapith I
Vrindavan’s Yogapith II
Purvahna Lila
Śri Krishna’s Goṣṭha Yatra
1-2Rūpa Gosvāmi’s Pūrvāhna Līlā Sūtra
3-17Nandagram during morning Goṣṭha Yatra
18-37 At the edge of the forest
38-43 Rādhā Krishna’s Mutual Darshan
44-59 Krishna leaving the Brajavasis
60-71 Radha Returns Home
72-78 Rādhā makes a mala and bitika and send them to Krishna
Rādhā’s viraha
Rādhā cooking and thinking of Kṛṣṇa
1-11 Krishna enters the forest
12-25 Śri Krishna's Venu Madhuri
26-31 Krishna welcomed by Vrindavan
32-37 Dhanishtha’s Arrival
38-59 Krishna’s Vana-bhojan
60-66 The arrangement for Radha-Krishnas meeting
67-87 Shaibya’s Arrival
1-14 Krishna comes to Radha Kund
15-30 The eight Kunjas in Rādhā Kund
31-72 Sri Lalitanandada-kunja
73-80 Sri Vishakha’s and Chitra Devi’s Kunjas
81-101 Other Kunjas in Radha Kund
102-109 The Glories of Radha Kund
110-119 Uddipanas for Krishna’s love for Radha
120-131 Krishna led by Vrinda
132-133 Radha’s arrival
Madhyāhna Līlā
1-8 Radhika reveals her heartache
9-32 Tulasi and Dhaniștha come from Krișna
33-38 Dhanishtha’s message
39-53 Rādhā on the way to meet Krishna sees him everywhere
54-66 Rādhikā’s prema vibhranti – bewilderment of love
67-87 Vrinda as Krishna’s Messenger meets Radha
88-92 Kundalata threatened to obstruct the meeting but now is for it
93-105 Vrinda’s arrangements
106-110 Pūrva rāga turns into sākṣāt darśan
111-116 Rādhā fantasizing as She meets Kṛṣṇa
Rādhā and Viśākhā by picking flowers
Kṛṣṇa hides to hear the sakhis' conversation
The Sakhīs escort Rādhā towards Kṛṣṇa’s kuñja
Another day before the meeting in Rādhā Kuṅḍa
1-5 Rādhā and Krishna’s Transcendental Emotions
Udbhāsvaras, sattvik bhāvas, progressive stages of bhāva, bhāva alaṅkāras
6-9 Some differences in Bhava-alankaras
10-16 Autsukya lajja vāmatā avahittha vibhrama vicchitti
17-20 Kusuma Cayana Vinoda (Amusing flower-picking pastime) I
21-26 Kusuma Cayana Vinoda (Amusing flower-picking pastime) II
Amusing flower-picking - Kṛṣṇa Bhāvanāmṛta
27-34 Krishna pretends He is the 12 forest-ranger
35-38 Rādhā’s beauty stolen from Vrindavan
39-50 Rādhā loves how Krișna praised Her but She is more in vamata mood
51-56 Rādhā brings evidence that She is the owner of Vṛndāvan
57-68 Rādhā’s attraction power destroys Krishna’s patience
Rādhā‘s attraction power - Krishan Bhavanamrita
69-79 Panca Deva Puja (The Worship of Five Devatas)
80-91 Nava Graha Puja (The worship of Nine Planets)
92-107 Dik Pala Puja - The Worship of the Ten Directional Deities
Krishna-bhavanamrita’s narration 1
Krishna-bhavanamrita 2 The letter from Pauranamasi
Krishna-bhāvanāmṛta 3 Krishna follows Radha
Krishna-bhāvanāmṛta 4 Krishna pretending being Radha
Krishna-bhāvanāmṛta 5
Camatkāra Candrikā
Rādhā ecstatic emotions and vamata as embraced by Kṛṣṇa
12-19 The Sakhīs are one with Rādhā
20-30 The argument on embracing
31-46 Rāhu’s Amusing Pastime 1
47-53 Rāhu’s Amusing Pastime 2
54-63 Krishna embraces Radha again
64-84 Kṛṣṇa embraces Tulasī and Rūpa
85-94 Kṛṣṇa regarding Lalitā as Vaṁśī curī
95-106 Viśākhā claims for a reward for the flute finder
107-115 Introducing black bindu play
116-125 Kṛṣṇa steals the kasturī-bindu
126-139 Kundalatā argues with Viśākhā
140-150 Nikuñja Rati Keli
1-13 Rādhā’s explanations for the marks on her body
14-29 Kundalatā and Lalitā argue about Rādhā’s marks
30-39 Tuṅgavidyā, Indulekhā, Raṅga-Devī, Su-Devī, Candramukhī, about Rādhā’s breasts
40-49 Further praise of Rādhā’s enticing features
50-51 Rādhā’s soles
52-58 Rādhā’s feet, ankles, thighs
59-65 Rādhā’s veni and waist
66-72 Rādhā’s palms, hands and veni
73-85 Rādhā’s shoulders, neck, voice, lips, teeth, tongue
87-104 Rādhā’s smile, face, eyes, cheeks, nose
105-116 Rādhikā’s forehead, hair
117-124 Rādhā’s Guṇa Mādhuri 1
125-134 Rādhā’s Guṇa Mādhurī 2
135-147 The Sakhīs feel the same Bhava as Rādhā
1-10 Nāndīmukhī's message from Paurṇamāsī
11-18 Kṛṣṇa about the meeting by Kandarpa
19-30 The made-up letter from Kandarpa
31-42 Sakhīs - Reflection of Rādhā Kṛṣṇa’s Prema!
43-51 Vana Vihāra - Vṛndāvan assumes Sakhī-bhāva
52-66 Vṛndāṭavī’s Pūja
67-74 Vasanta Vana - Kunda-danti, Kalakaṇṭhi, Kokila, Mukti-latās
75-78 Kṛṣṇa sees in Vasanta Vana Rādhā
Vasanta Raga - Gīta-govinda
79-91 The Grīṣma Vana (The Summer Forest)
92-106 The Varṣā Vana (The Monsoon Forest)
Kṛṣṇanika-kaumudi Vana-vihāra
Rūpa Goswāmī and the branch spring
Kṛṣṇahnika-kaumudi Vṛndāvan vana vihāra 2
12-25 The Śukas’ and the Śarīs’ Debate 1
12-25 The Śukas’ and the Śarīs’ Debate 1
26-34 The Śukas’ and the Śarīs’ Debate 2
35-44 The Śukas’ and the Śarīs’ Debate 3
45-54 The Hemanta Vana (The Dewy Season’s Forest)
55-67 The Śiśira Vana (The Winter Forest)
68-72 Rādhā Kṛṣṇa’s Narma Keli (Playing Debates) I
73-86 Rādhā Kṛṣṇa’s Narma Keli (Playing Debates) II
Rādhā Kṛṣṇa’s Narma Keli III Surata-kathāmṛta
87-104 Rādhā Kṛṣṇa’s Narma Keli (Playing Debates) IV
105-114 Rādhā Kṛṣṇa’s Narma Keli - Sakhīs’ Qualities
115 Rādhā‘s breasts, kisses and Yogapitha
1-26 Rādhā’s Prema Vaicittya
27-37 Vasanta Vihāra (Horī Līlā)
38-48 Horī-Līlā - Holi, the throwing of dye II
Naimittika-Holi-Guṭīkā-Batu reports
Naimittika-Holi-Guṭīkā – Batu aggressed by Gopīs
Naimittika-Holi-Guṭīkā-Kṛṣṇa attacks the Gopīs
Naimittika-Holi-Guṭīkā-the end
49-57 Hindolā Līlā (Jhulana)
58-73 Hindolā Līlā (Jhulana)
74-76 Hindolā Līlā (Jhulana)
Hindola Līlā (Jhulana) Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanamṛta 1
Hindola Līlā (Jhulana) Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanamṛta 2
Jhulan Padavali (Songs)
77-91 Madhu Pāna Līlā (The Pastime of Drinking Honey)
92-115 Sakhīs’ intoxication with madhu
Madhu-pāna Līlā in Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanamṛta
1-17 Rati Keli after Madhu-pāna
18-28 Rādhā’s General Boldness behaviour
29-34 Kṛṣṇa’s Rati-Keli with the Sakhīs
37-42 Rādhā embarrasses her Sakhīs
43 At Rādhā Kuṇḍa – preparing for Jala Keli
44-52 Jala Keli I
53-54 Jala Keli II - Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛta
55-63 Jala-Keli - The battle begins
64-81 Rādhā attacks - hide-and-seek
82-89 Hide-and-seek
Jala-keli Kṛṣṇahnika Kaumudi
90-92 Jala-maṇḍuka vādya
93-100 Aṅga Sevā
101-108 Veśa Racanā (dressing)
109-135 Vana Bhojana
136-142 Śayana (Taking Rest)
143-147 Bhojana and Tambula Seva
1-14 Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s Caraṇa Cihnas
15-35 Kṛṣṇa’s body up to his waist
36-53 Kṛṣṇa’s Nitamba, waist and belly
54-66 Kṛṣṇa’s sides, chest and arms
67-83 Kṛṣṇa’s Hands, Shoulders and Mukhāravinda
84-96 Kṛṣṇa’s Ears and Lips
99-111 Kṛṣṇa’s nose, eyes, forehead and hair
1-10 The Glories of Kṛṣṇa Kathā and Kṛṣṇa’s Qualities
11-19 Rāsa-Tanz, Kṛṣṇa controlled by love, Gopīs’ Kṛṣṇa-Pūjā
20-27 Love is like a hot sugarcane
28-42 Why Sakhīs’ happiness ever expands
Subala Milana - Rādhā dressed like Subala meets Kṛṣṇa
43-57 Purifing my mind
58-69 Phala-Śruti Śrī Rādhikāṣṭam
1-7 Śuka’s praising Kṛṣṇa-jī
8-24 Further praising Kṛṣṇa-jī's and Rādhā's
25-28 Preparations for Pāśā Khelā (Dice play)
29-30 Wagers for dice play
31-38 Śārīke maro
39 Baṭu’s cheating and being rebuked
40-48 Daśa-daśa
49-55 Quarell on offered limbs – end of Pāśā Khelā
56-64 Sūrya Pūjā
64-69 Kṛṣṇa prepares Rādhā for Sūrya Pūjā
70-74 Further Sūrya Pūjā Mantras
75-85 Viśva Śarma as palm reader
Maṇimaya Muralī - Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛta
86-99 Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa dive in the ocean of vipralambha
Aparāhna Līlā
Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s Uttara Goṣṭha
1-2 Vraja Aparāhna Līlā Sutra and Rādhā’s viraha
3-4 Sakhās amuse Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma with their words
5-6 Sakhās amuse Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma with their words
Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanāmṛta – Candana-kalā revives Rādhā
Parama Sāmya Dharma
7-21 Madhus plight
22-34 The forest's Viraha and Dhenus association
35-40 Kṛṣṇa covered in dhenu-renu - Prayers by the Devatas
41-48 Further Prayers by the Devatas
49-51 Rādhā at Yāvaṭa
52-58 Rādhikā’s cooking for the evening meal
59-63 Rādhā’s Snana, Veśa and Śrīngara
Rādhā’s viraha - love in separation - Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanāmṛta
64-75 The Scene at Nandagrāma
76-85 Returning to Kṛṣṇa’s Goṣṭha-yatra
86-91 Kṛṣṇa’s Exchanges with the gopīs
92-93 Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s loving exchanges
Rādhā's pain of separation - Kṛṣṇa-bhāvanāmṛta
94-109 Kṛṣṇa arrives home
Yugala Milana
Sva-rasikī bhajana - Raghunātha dāsa Baba-jī
Sva-rasikī bhajana Śrī Ananta dāsa baba-jī
Meditation on the teaching given by Viśākha 1
The crystal cave in Varṣānā
Rādhā's appearance
Rādhā takes up the Vīṇā
Rāi and Kānu leave the cave - Rādhā's swan locket
The sakhī on the golden swan locket
Stavāvalī and the locket meditation
Sāyāhna Līlā
Gaura Candrikā - Śrī Navadvīpa’s Sāyāhna-Līlā
Vraja’s Sāyāhna Līlā Sūtra
Tulasī at Yavaṭa
Kṛṣṇa’s Snāna and Śrīngara
Baṭu’s Joking and Kṛṣṇa’s bhukta-śeṣa
After Yamunā Jala-keli and Go-dohana līlā
Sandhya ārati
Sandhyā bhojana
Eyes are flying - utkaṇṭha - deep hankering
Prasāda in Yavaṭa
After Rādhā's Bhojana
Songs on Sāyāhna Ārati
Pradoṣa Līlā
Navadvīpa and Vraja Līlā Sutra
Mandukya Upanishad
Rāmānanda Rāya Saṁvāda
3 Prema-Types
3.1 Prema in Vaikuṇṭha - Spiritual servitude
3.2 Prema Bhakti in Vrindavan - Spiritual Friendship
3.3 Prema - Vrindavan - Spiritual Parental Relationship
3.4 Prema Kanta - Spiritual adolescentine love
4. Prema Kanta - characteristics
4.1 Prema Kanta - Supreme Love
4.2 Prema Kanta all qualities of other relations
4.3 Prema Kanta - Complete possession of Krișna
4.4 Prema-Kanta - Gopi Love cannot be rewarded
4.5 Krișna's beauty is enhanced by the presence of gopis
4.6 The gopīs are uttama bhaktas
4.7 The object of love - revealed in kama gayatri mantra
4.8 Gopī's love is not material erotism
5 Radha's love - highest Prema kanta
5.1 The place most full of Radha's love
5.2 Radha attracts Krișna the most
5.3 Radha's Prema kanta and the sorrow of love
5.4 Rasa and Radha's dance
5.5 Radha the supreme energy of Krișna
5.6 Radha form of pleasure giving energy - ananda
5.7 Radha the source of supreme ecstasy Maha Bhava
5.8 Radha's love reflected in her own qualities
5.9 Radha's love reflected in 20 ecstatic emotions
5.10 Radha the supreme source of Krishna's satisfaction
5.11 Radha's love the supreme limit of life's purpose
6 Krishna and Prema-Kanta
6.2 Krișna of Vrindavan attracts Śrī Lakșmi and Śrī Vișṇu
6.3 Krishna of Vrindavan is attracted by his own beauty
6.4 Kṛșṇa's character as dhīra-lalita
6.5 Krișna inspired by Radha's love wants to taste his own sweetness
6.7 Kṛṣṇa makes everyone dance as He wills
7. Practice in Prema Kanta
7.1 Without spiritual practice one does not attain Radha's love
7.2 The practice is mainly spiritual
7.3 The importance of Rādhā's sakhī's in spiritual practice
7.4 Following the mood of the gopis
7.5 Practice in Prema-Kanta - Rāgānuga
7.6 The object of meditation
7.7 Meditation in a secluded place
Duty to meditate
7.9 Where should we live
7.10 What should we hear
7.11 The song that is our duty
8 Essential truths
The essence of knowledge
The most famous being
The greatest capital
The greatest suffering
The diamond from all the liberated
The essence of auspiciousness
The destiny of the liberated and the pleasure-seeker
The difference between the knower of the tastes of love and the ignorant
Who manifests the Transcendental Truths
A great devotee sees everywhere his own Deities he worships
The superior devotee, the soul and the supersoul
The Highest Devotee - one sees him and becomes devotee
Different Qualifications for Seeing Different Forms of the Lord
Śrī Cetanya
The combined form of Radha and Krishna
The truth about Śrī Caitanya is madness
The purpose of Lord Caitanya's coming
Spiritual Love - Prema
Attraction and affection
Bhava and Prema
Love for all
The nature of spiritual love
Spiritual love for Kṛṣṇa